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Movie horor Philippines berjudul “Mata Bátin” ini merupakan fiIm yang menceritakan téntang kisah dari séorang gadis bernama AIia ( Jessica Mila ). AIia harus meninggalkan kóta Bangkok dan kembaIi ke Jakarta karéna mendengar kabar kédua orang tuanya meninggaI dunia. Alia bérsama dengan adiknya AbeI ( Bianca Hello ) yang masih remaja harus pindah ke rumah kecil mereka yang letaknya jauh dari tengah kota. Di rumah tersebut di sana, Abel sering bersikap aneh dan merasa ketakutan serta tidak suka akan rumah tersebut. Abel juga mengatakan di sana ada ‘yang lain' selain mereka. Akan tetapi Alia bersama dengan pacarnya yang bernama Davin ( Denny Sumargo ) tidak pernah menghiraukan perkataan Abel.
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Namun semakin lama sikap Abel menjadi semakin mengkhawatirkan dan Alia berniat untuk membawa Abel ke psikiater namun Abel menolak dan mengatakan dia bisa melihat ‘mereka yang sudah tiada' karena mata batinnya sudah terbuka sejak kecil. Lalu Abel mengajak Alia untuk bertemu dengan seorang paranormal bernama Bu Windu ( Citra Prima ) yang selama ini membantu Abel. Abel meminta Bu Windu untuk membuka mata batin Alia untuk membuktikan bahwa semua hal yang dikira tidak masuk akal yang dialami Abel selama ini. Perlahan-lahan, Alia pun mengalami beberapa kejadian yang tidak biasa dan dia mulai bisa melihat sosok dari yang tidak bisa dilihat orang regular dan hingga sámpai hadir ‘sosok-sósok' yang meminta toIong kepadanya. Namun ‘sósok-sosok' yang bérada di dalam rumáh Alia mengganggu hinggá menyakitinya. Karena énergi dari ‘sosok-sósok' tersebut begitu damaging sehingga membahayakan Alia dan Abel.
Namun karena tidak ada tempat tinggal lain, mereka harus tetap menetap di sana dan meminta bantuan Bu Winda.
Posted in, January 4 Natalie, a youthful student, trips her best childhood buddy, Brooke, and her bunkmate, Taylor. If there were any additional moment of the yr, their three close friends and buddies could have going for a concert or bar, but it is definitely Halloween, which indicates that, like éveryone else, they wiIl move to Hell Fest, a amazing theme park complete of alleys, video games and labyrinths.
No matter how you look at it, the best way to get 'realistic' damage models in fallout 4 is to build one with perks ingame. When you think its realistic enough stop taking dmg perks. That way you wont end up with stupid scaling issues. Realistic damage mod fallout 4. If you don't like shooting at bullet sponges, this mod may help. This mod attempts to balance and increase the damage model of the game by editing variables, body part multipliers, and eventually explosion and weapon data. Perks may be modified later to prevent silly modifiers that unbalance the damage model. What this mod currently does. I like the story and the different types of enemies in Fallout 4 but it bugs me that it takes so long and so many bullets to kill them. Are there any good mods out there for realistic damage for both the enemy and the player. About this mod. Increases player damage on Survival Difficulty, to be an increase to 200% damage. (300% Optional) This is similar to other hardcore modes in game like Metro, where player damage and enemy damage are both increased to increase realism. Today i tell you guys about 5 mods that will make fallout 4 a lot more realistic! Thanks for watching! Fallout 4 modding guide: Top 5 Realism mods. Realistic Survival.
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Every yr, hundreds of people participate in Hell Fest to encounter worry in this terrible carnival. However, for a visitor, Hell Fest will be not an attraction, it is usually a hunting floor, an possibility to kill in the sight of an audience too captured in the awful amusement atmosphere, to acknowledge the horrible truth that unfolds before their eye. Published in, January 4 Structured on the book by author Josh Malerman, the tale is arranged in the near potential where a mom and her two kids are trying to endure an certain threat after a unexplainable extraterrestrial pressure has directed to the décimation of the globe's human population.
Five decades after a bulk suicide mass decimated the human population, a woman and her two kids set out on a desperate and harmful lookup for protection. Nobody really understands what this monstrous force appears like, because anyone who sees it instantly manages to lose its thoughts and sucks in terrible ways.
Survivors defend themselves by covering their eyes, which limits their motion and makes them vulnerable to various other hazards. In a globe encircled by monsters, Malorie must find the power to operate with her kids in search of protection. Submitted in, January 2 Port Town, 2025. A strange virus murdered thousands of individuals and changed hundreds into blood-thirsty animals. Weak in the face of this horrible computer virus, the Government is establishing a video clip game called Dead Trigger that places into scene the terrifying occasions that have got brought to this curse that appears endless.
Participants who eliminate most zombies in the sport are usually recruited to fight the horde óf zombies in actual life. Brought by Captain Kyle Master, the team mind to Airport terminal Town to discover out the source of this pandemic and find a team of researchers functioning for years to find an antidote. Submitted in, December 23 Three teens plan a soft thievery in a joyous restaurant from a estate without knowing that he is located in key by a serial monster cult. In expectations of paying out an urgent debts, a trio of teens create as waiters at a delicious celebration in Malibu, but they find themselves completely unprepared when théy overlope a high class legal cult. When their plan is terrible, the trio realizes that supper guests are not as innocent as they seem, and their banal robbery gets a chaotic and eager fight for survival.
Published in, Dec 20 In this film they tell already about full grown men. Since that twénty-seven-year horrible story that occurred to them, eternity appears to have got transferred. Everyone offers their personal existence. They no longer remember Cent. But the mobile phone call adjustments everything. They possess to obtain jointly and remember this devil.
The primary characters once again drop into terrible circumstances that confront them with concealed worries of éveryone, but since thé participants are already grownups, their worries are not at all childish.